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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Post meta field values not showing correctly on WooCommerce Product Categories

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  • Neil Gowran
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    I am sorry, but the range slider min/max do not adjust based on the other filters. This is intentional, as to do otherwise can have unintended consequences.

    Read more about this here:

    Neil Gowran

    Reference given is a 404

    Trevor Moderator

    Most odd, it works for me, but here is the body of that post:

    The plugin does not auto update sliders, and the auto detect maximum stays, as you see, on all categories. The way this currently works is intentional.

    We do plan to add an option “auto update” or something similar to do what you want, but it’s not yet a feature.

    The reason it was implemented this way is because of another use case (following

    1) Say a user selects price range 10 – 25 (because this is in their budget)
    2) Then they select “singles” and get 2 results
    3) They realise they no longer want just singles, so they deselect singles.

    In your example, after they first select “singles” you are suggesting that the slider “auto update” to 0 - 5 (because the two singles are £2 and £3)… but then once the user deselects the singles, then the price slider is still set to 0 - 5, this is surely not the users intended behaviour.

    There are some additional considerations and workarounds that need to be implemented (like returning to the previous set of values), and I will work on an option like you mention, but for now this behaviour is intentional and has been for some time.

    I know that this case scenario does not apply in your case, but it is why it is like it is right now. Hope that makes sense.

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