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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Post meta conditional


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  • Renato


    I have search field “Max number of people” wich is connected to custom field “xxxx” wich contain one number. In the setings I’ve added manual entry option for this field from 1-12. Its working fine when user choose exact number. But, I need also to show all results when user select less number of persons.

    Is it possible?


    Trevor Moderator

    At this time I do not think the plugin can do this, but if we added more comparison operator options for numeric fields (less than, less than and equals etc) this would be possible. Do you want me to add this as a feature request (this thread would be moved to the feature requests forum) for V3, which will be our next major release after we ship v2.3.0 (which is now in beta)?


    Yes, please feel free to add to feature request. What can I do regard this at the moment? It is very important to me.

    Thanks Trevor



    Trevor Moderator

    mmm. You could do what I did with this site:

    I made a dummy field in the post type that holds multiple values, so, if the maximum number is 10, the field holds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10

    Then it works as you want. When I was making it, I spoke to Ross and it was the solution he suggested for me.


    I don’t sure what you mean dummy field? Single line field or something else? Sorry for sunday bothering

    Trevor Moderator

    What I meant was ….

    In the post, you have a field for maximum number of people, which holds one number. If this is an ACF field, make it one that can hold more than one number, and, if it currently holds, say 9 as the value, make it hold all the numbers 1 thru 9, as an array.

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    Sorry, and for some strange reason, I dont have any search parameters in address bar when I change search criteria. 🙁

    Hm, I don’t know what I should do about that. Thanks

    Trevor Moderator

    The search parameters thing I would need to see. If the field is also being used as a visible field in post data results display, you would have to have two fields, one for display and one for filtering.


    This is not working for me. I’ve tried many combination but no success. This is very important for me at this time. Could you help me with that?


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