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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Post ID Search


Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Chad Schilder

    Hi there. Is there any way to have post ID’s searchable using the search field?
    Thanks in advance.

    Real premium plugin you have!

    Trevor Moderator

    You want to be able to search for simply the number?

    Chad Schilder

    Exactly! Is this possible?
    Your prompt response is seriously appreciated!

    Trevor Moderator

    And the ONLY thing you want to search is the post ID? Otherwise I can see all manner of results from just submitting a number. It might be possible using the free Relevanssi plugin, but I haven’t checked.

    Chad Schilder

    Ideally I would like users to be able to search a specific taxonomies called “for-sale” and for-sale post ID’s, but I figured that wasn’t possible. Next best thing would be to have a separate standard search field for post ID’s alongside the taxonomies search field. I’m using the post ID’s as a sort of “Web reference”. Hope that makes sense?


    Chad Schilder

    Thanks Trevor,
    I tried the Relevanssi plugin and it worked.

    Trevor Moderator

    Is this thread resolved now?

    Chad Schilder

    Yes, thank you.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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