Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Post being duplicated, other posts not appearing.

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  • Anonymous

    client has a custom post type, called Rugs – with a custom taxonomy of Rug Type. To this point all has been working fine, however recently I can confirm that client has attempted to publish three new rugs to a “New Arrivals” rug type, Rug A, Rug B and Rug C.

    Rug A and Rug B, though published are not appearing at all in the S&F listing. I can view those rugs individual and can confirm that they exist and that they are in the correct Taxonomy term.

    Rug C – however appears twice in that listing, and not side by side one on page 1 and one on page 2. I’ve confirmed that it is the same rug, as if i change the name or slug, it changes it for both rug posts.

    I’m very surprised by this behavior and can’t seem to figure out where the issue stems from.

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