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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Possible to filter by Month?

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  • Christian


    I can see from the Movies demo that you can filter by ‘From’ and ‘To’ date with a calendar popup on click, but would it be possible to filter by a ‘Month’ dropdown based on a date that has been entered for a post type?

    Within a post type, there will be a date field that gets entered, so we’ll then want to pick out and filter by the month only.

    Trevor Moderator

    Only if you create a custom field with just the month in. The same would apply if you wanted to filter by Year/Month. That custom field CAN be a calculated field (as is possible using ACF) so that it is auto populated when you save a post.


    Hi Trevor,

    Ok thanks, is there any reference point or article you’ve previously used to achieve this calculated field?

    Trevor Moderator

    Not on our forum, but this is a good starting point:

    ACF Calculated Fields


    Great, thanks Trevor.

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