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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Plugin update today?

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  • Hovig Nassanian

    Hey Ross,

    Do you still expect to have a new update today of the plugin?

    Reading on the other posts, you seemed to suggest that the new version will make it possible to display search results from a widget form on a specific page of the website? Can you confirm this will be so?

    Thanks as ever.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Hovig

    This is possible, and has been released just now in v 1.3.0.

    You must enter the “Results URL” to enable this feature, then a widget can be used on any page, and will redirect to the Results URL – a URL which contains your results shortcode ๐Ÿ™‚


    Hovig Nassanian

    Thanks Ross.

    I got the v 1.3.0. and installed it. The “Results URL” is working, thanks.

    2 issues –

    1. The page that I want the results to go to, already has another Search & Filter widget in the sidebar. The problem now is that when I put both shortcodes, both search results are displayed. What I wanted was the results from the homepage widget to display ONLY when a user presses the ‘Submit’ button on the homepage widget, and after that when they ‘Submit’ the form on the page, only for that result to display. Is this possible? Or too complicated for the plugin?

    2. Any progress with adding the ‘AND’ option for filtering search results between multi-search categories? I wasn’t sure if you were working on this in for the new version. The client that I’m developing the site for is insisting that this should work for them so I’m a bit stuck. When a user selects job sector(s) and a job location, only the sectors that are in the location should display. Here is the url –

    Really appreciate your help as I’m desperate for your plugin to work (-:

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Hovig

    1) I’m not sure what you mean – exactly… let me try to explain how I think you should set it up:

    Create a search form for your homepage, add it to the homepage – update the results URL to: – forget about the results shortcode – we won’t use it for this field because we are linking 2 forms!

    Then create another search form, add it to this page: and also add the results shortcode for this search form to this page – you do not need two results shortcode on the same page

    Then I think it should work?

    2) I am working on this and hope to have it in the next update ๐Ÿ™‚ Should be just after the weekend.


    Hovig Nassanian

    Thanks for your reply, Ross.

    For the first point, I did what you said by only having one shortcode. It’s working better in that the page is not displaying the search results of both filters now…BUT the results from the homepage search filter are not correct and only display the Location results if I choose a Sector. And even then, it shows all the jobs in that Location rather than filtering by the Sector I have chosen. Maybe this will fix itself when you fix the AND/OR multi category situation in the new update? Not sure.

    The AND/OR multi-category issue is the main problem though. My client wants the site online this weekend but I can’t do it until this search issue is fixed. If by some miracle, you have it ready earlier, please send me the update ASAP. I really appreciate it. I will only need it to work with basic categories so if you have a version ready just for that please send to me, as I don’t need the other options.

    Thanks as ever, Ross.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Hovig

    An update coming to your inbox in 30 mins ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’ll let you know when its ready but I think it does what you need!


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Hovig

    Just mailed you an update there

    Check in the settings box, then goto โ€œtags, categories and taxonomiesโ€ tab, then you should see the operator options… My testing this looks like its working ok ๐Ÿ™‚


    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Hovig Nassanian

    Hey Ross,

    I installed and tried the update. The operator is there and giving me the option to choose AND/OR…but it’s not working correctly yet. Have a look at the url and see for yourself –

    The second category (LOCATION) is overruling the search results and displaying all its posts regardless of what you choose in the first category (SECTOR). So, for example, if you choose Nicosia under Location, it is displaying all 13 jobs in that city regardless of what job sectors you choose in the above category.

    Any more thoughts? Or possibility of fixing it?

    Thanks much again. You’re a star!

    Ross Moderator

    Ah Hovig

    I see the problem…

    Both those fields are “category”… You cannot have 2 fields that are the same…

    Also, how are you displaying these two fields, using exclude IDs?

    Basically, you cannot have two category fields, or two tag fields, or two taxonomy fields (if the taxonomy name is the same)…

    What you must do is seperate these out, plus its bad semantics to have locations & sectors both as a category.

    You must use custom taxonomies, which work just the same as categories, and you would create a custom taxonomy for sectors, and custom taxonomy for locations – or you would leave one of them as category and create a taxonomy for the other.

    Are you familiar with custom taxonomies? I use this free plugin to create taxonomies:

    Hope that helps? The new option I just added will work with custom taxonomies ๐Ÿ™‚


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