Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Plugin stopped working.

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  • Anonymous


    I bought Search and Filter Pro and I’m having trouble using it with EDD and Marketify Theme.

    We were able to make it work already with the instructions given by you but now all of a sudden it stopped working. All we get now is the message “No downloads found” and we can’t seem to make it work again.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Andressa

    You have probably changed some settings in S&F?

    Try creating a clean search form, with just the downloads post type and no other settings.

    Does it work?


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    Ross Moderator

    Hey Andressa

    Did you upgrade some other plugins by any chance? Is there anything you can think of that might have changed?

    Try rebuilding the cache and see if that helps.




    I don’t know the time It hapapened. But I updated recently Marketfy, EDD and EDD FES.

    What’s happening now is that I can’t search to the terms I’m writing on the search field. If I check one of the categories or even both and no writing on the search field, the results appears.
    I don’t know what to do…
    Please let me know if you wanna see some screens and files. And how I send it to you.

    Here the versions I’m using:

    EDD Version 2.4.10
    EDD FES Version 2.3.6
    Relevanssi Version 3.5
    Marketify Version: 2.1.0

    Thank you!

    Ross Moderator

    It sounds like it could be relevanssi, what happens when you disable Relevanssi under the “advanced” tab of Search & Filter?


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