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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Plugin overriding woocommerce default product sort order?

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  • Jake Eaton

    I’m having an issue with the woocommerce products being sorted incorrectly. I did some research and found the woocommerce product sorting settings in Settings –> Products –> Display, but no changes to that settings affects the order on the front end.

    Deactivating the Search and filter plugin makes the default woocommerce settings for the product order work correctly again.

    Is there something in the search and filter that I can set to honor woocommerce settings for sort order, or is it possible that there’s a conflict? is the site.

    Jake Eaton

    Nevermind, I found a setting in the Search & Filter Pro “posts” tab that allows me to set a default sorting order. Didn’t know it overrode the main woocommerce product archive page, but I do now!


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