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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Plugin is not working for pagination & also error on filtering

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  • Sanwarul Hoque

    Hi there,
    I’ve purchased the developer version of this plugin & yet I’m having lots of issues. I’m trying to add this on my theme & it’s not working actually.
    If you go to this page you can once you click on a checkbox category it loads a lot of errors or notice actually when the debug is on. Also when there are only 2-3 products it loads the pagingation. I’m unable to use the pagination of yours into my theme. Don’t know what I’m doing wrong but it’s not working. I’ve used the pagination settings as per your documentation & it’s not working actually please have a look at the screenshot:
    I’m using paginate_links to generate paginate in my theme. Please have a look:
    Now please help me with this as I’m in really trouble to fix such issues.

    Trevor Moderator
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    Sanwarul Hoque
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    Trevor Moderator

    OK, as I should not change anything, one thing I can see is wrong is the Ajax Container, which you have set at #tr-search-item, but I think this should be .theiaStickySidebar OR #content.

    The Ajax container is what contains the results AND the pagination. I could not find the one you are using on the page at all.

    Sanwarul Hoque

    I’m using the filter to filter my custom post types data. So I’ve used my cpt archive for that & in there the ajax container is #tr-search-item. That’s how it works. You can check when you filter any data it’ll load a page with that id on cpt archive page. Currently it’s viewing on my template file but filter result will show on archive page as I’ve read on the doc of your plugin. My main issue right now is 3 points.
    1. When filter through categories it generates a massive error please check the screenshot:
    2. I’m able to do the infinite scroll pagination but don’t want that. Want the numeric pagination to work but I’m unable to do that as I can’t find any doc for that also.
    3. Sometime when you load the all ads page as I’ve provided the link the category parent count shows 0 don’t know why as there are product available.

    Please do check as I’ve provided you the admin access it’s really important to solve these issues otherwise I’ve to loose a lot of business & job.

    With due respect really want this to be solved & i would need your assistance. If you want to have a conversation like skype call or something I can do that too. Please let me know.

    Thanks & Best Regards

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Sanwarul Hoque

    I’ve just added you on skype named Adnan Shawkat Tanim. This account is my company owners account so I’d figure out a way to get the support. Please do add me on skype so that we can sort this out.

    Sanwarul Hoque

    One thing in my query if there’s no data or less data then 10 why the pagination still loads. How to stop loading that pagination. Can you please direct me. Also would like to know the reason for the errors that’s happening.

    Trevor Moderator
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    Ross Moderator
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