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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro please help

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • hisham fauzi


    I just bought your plugin yesterday.

    I have tried it but I think i have lost.

    The question is, how can I change how the search result will appear?

    How can i make “search-filter.php”

    I would like it to appear like demo 1 if I can.


    hisham fauzi

    btw. here is my site


    Ross Moderator

    Hey hisham

    The Demo 1 and Demo 2 do not use shortcdoe method – they actually use the Archive method for displaying results.

    That being said, it would be possible to create the demos either way – but customising the layout to how you want is not included in support for this pluign.

    Please take a look below at the differences and how to customise them:

    If you are using the 2014 theme, I would be happy to send you the code for demo 1?


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