Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro phpdebug Log Text

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  • Anonymous

    Hi, I had a ticket with Elementor Support about lines I was seeing in phpdebug and they replied with this:

    “From our checks, we have narrowed down the root cause to be stemming from the “Search & Filter – Elementor Extension” plugin’s “search-filter-elementor/search-filter-elementor.php” file at lines 551-554. For quick confirmation on your end, you may temporarily deactivate this plugin, remove the “error_log” file, then check for any improvement while viewing (or refreshing) a page with our default Posts widget.

    In this plugin file at the lines mentioned, there are a few lines of code that essentially logs messages to the “error_log” file (please see our screenshot attached). As we are not the developers of this plugin, we highly recommend reporting this (along with our findings) to their support team to provide further details for resolving this particular issue as they will be best able to assist.

    I have a screenshot file I can forward on if that will help? But raising this for info.


    Can you upload that image to a file sharing site and send me the link for it, so I can take a look and see if it needs referring to our developer? What version of the extension plugin are you using?


    Will do, it’s v1.04 of the plugin.

    Screenshot is:


    OK. Thanks. What are the errors it is generating? If you are not sure, maybe put WordPress into Debug mode and see what that says?


    I don’t think they’re errors as such, just debug info from the errorlog() command.

    Example just now from a 32MB phpdebug log file – these are generated (I think) every time the post grid is generated:

    [id:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => 5d2e95af
    [active_settings:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] =>
    [parsed_active_settings:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] =>
    [parsed_dynamic_settings:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] =>
    [data:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => Array
    [id] => 5d2e95af
    [settings] => Array
    [_skin] => cards
    [classic_meta_separator] => ///
    [classic_read_more_text] => Read More »
    [cards_posts_per_page] => 4
    [cards_thumbnail_size_size] => medium_large
    [cards_meta_data] => Array
    [0] => date

    [cards_meta_separator] => •
    [cards_read_more_text] => Read More »
    [cards_show_avatar] =>
    [posts_include] => Array
    [0] => terms

    [posts_include_term_ids] => Array
    [0] => 17

    [cards_badge_bg_color] => #0e004e
    [cards_badge_color] => #ffffff
    [cards_badge_typography_typography] => custom
    [cards_badge_typography_font_family] => Droid Sans
    [cards_badge_typography_font_weight] => 500
    [cards_title_color] => #A38D65
    [cards_title_typography_font_family] => Open Sans
    [cards_title_typography_font_size] => Array
    [unit] => px
    [size] => 24
    [sizes] => Array



    Ah, OK. I have referred this to our plugin developer, Ross, for his input.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi David

    Another user alerted us to this also, we’ve fixed this in our beta Elementor Extension plugin:

    It should be officially released in the next couple of days.



    Thanks Ross.

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