Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Performance issue – Search is slow


  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Anonymous

    I’m seeing some longer than 4 second load times on my sites too ( I’ve tried the transient cache on/off. I have a dedicated Google-N2 server with 48 PHP workers, which costs thousands/mo to run. Horsepower isn’t an issue. I have 1900 products and the mix is complicated, I’ll give you that. Sites with 300 or so run fine. What can I do, or will V3 make this better? If so I’m still interested in testing on our dev site(s).


    It will, in your case, be the number of filter terms available. As you say, I am hoping this will improve in V3.


    I removed 2 filters. I’ll monitor the load times.

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