Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Performance issue – Search is slow

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  • Anonymous

    I’m using your plugin with Elementor, ACF and Ocean WP.
    I currently have about 400 posts, and the search results take about 4 seconds to load.
    What can I do to speed up the search results load time?


    How many fields do you have in the search form and, of those that filter by terms, how many terms/value are defined in the database for in each (taxonomy or custom fields) field source?

    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look

    Who do you host with and what hosting plan are you on (a link to their sales page would be helpful)?

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    I don’t know how you are fetching in the images. Are the the featured images, does your theme (or whatever plugin you use to make the grid) pull in existing thumbnails?

    Simply re-sizing may not be the answer, and may indeed impact their use elsewhere.

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    The site with offsite images loads much slower, yes?

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