Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Performance issue due to many wp_postmeta records


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  • Anonymous


    We are running Tennis website with WordPress.

    We have used ACF for some custom post types and “Search and Filter Pro” for our visitors to search Tennis match information.
    However, we recently experienced performance issues as we think wp_postmeta table becomes huge (more than 1.5 million records!).

    We think “ACF Custom Database Tables”( might be a good option to solve the performance issue. But our concern is whether we can keep using “Search and Filter Pro plugin”.

    Do you have any thought on this?
    If you have another good idea to solve the performance issue, it would be really helpful.



    Our plugin requires that such data is held in the postmeta table, sorry. How many posts do you have? And how many are you adding each month?


    Thanks for your reply.

    We have approximate 10,000 posts in total at this moment. We are adding 1,000 posts per months but also delete similar number of posts, so the total number of posts will not change so much.


    That should be OK within the bounds of performance for our plugin.

    If speed is the issue, then you might need to investigate server performance as the issue, specifically database read and writes.

    You might, for example, see if you can add Elasticsearch to the server. This thread discusses this:

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