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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Pass slug of current taxonomy term to (hidden) search field

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  • Matt Tyas

    I have a custom taxonomy of business_types. Users arrive on a business_type by selecting ‘restaurants’ or whatever. The URL now would be: .com/business-type/restaurants in my taxonomy.php I have a search form that can then filter restaurants by locations.

    The problem is the locations filter dropdown is not passed the restaurant term, so whatever the user has previously selected the same amount of results (anything in locations) can be filtered. So there might be 200 ‘eating and drinking’ businesses, and even if I’ve clicked to ‘cafes’ I can filter by the full taxonomy, not just ‘cafes’ in specified ‘locations’.

    Can I pass the taxonomy slug to search and filter somehow? Or will I need separate taxonomy-[term].php pages to handle this?

    Trevor Moderator

    Please note that, as your license appears to have expired a year ago, you will first need to renew/complete the license/purchase to receive updates or support.

    I would then suggest that you update the plugin to the latest version, 2.4.6

    However, on the General Settings tab, there is an auto detect Tags, Categories and Taxonomies option. Did you try that?

    Matt Tyas

    Hi Trevor – I had no idea. I’ll get a new licence.

    Also – thank you. I’ll give it a go.


    Matt Tyas

    Licence renewed. I tried what you suggested but it’s not working. The custom taxonomy is related to a custom post type. All selected as far as I can see in the admin. But presumably because the first drill down into the business type taxonomy is a wp_query generated links list – Search and filter is not aware of this when it generates its filters on the page business_type/restaurants etc.

    Matt Tyas

    This is almost certainly to do with me using wp_query on the taxonomy page, the trouble is – I think I need to do this. The normal loop won’t work for me.

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
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