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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Pagination or Infinite Scroll

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 13 total)
  • Brookstone Creative

    I am trying to get the infinite scroll working but I can’t even get the list to paginate. I kind of got a loading symbol to appear but no other content loads in. How do I get the infinite scroll to work?

    Trevor Moderator
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    Brookstone Creative
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Brookstone Creative
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    Trevor Moderator

    If you switch off Infinite Scroll, does your page then have pagination?

    Brookstone Creative

    No I don’t get any pagination at all when turned off.

    Trevor Moderator


    Not sure if it is needed or not. The ‘standard’ PHP/HTML structure for Infinite Scroll looks like this:

    <div class='name_of_ajax_container_class'
    if ( $query->have_posts() )
    	<div class='name_of_infinite_scroll_container_class'>
    		while ($query->have_posts())
    			<div class='name_of_infinite_scroll_post_selector_class'>
    				// post output here
    	<div class='name_of_infinite_scroll_container_class' data-search-filter-action='infinite-scroll-end'>
    		<span>End of Results</span>

    How does your template compare to that in structure?

    Brookstone Creative

    I am not 100% sure how to add this code to the template. I can see some of the structure is the same. If its easier could I just add regular pagination?

    Trevor Moderator
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