Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro pagination not working when I clicked the "older post"

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  • Anonymous

    Hi I’m using the results.php template for the search results. The pagination seems to be not working. I use the default pagination values on the ajax pagination (pagination type: normal pagination selector: .pagination a).

    Here is the link to the dev site.


    Just found out, on the other search page, the pagination is working fine though.


    any idea why the second search page is not working?


    One thing I see on the results page is that you have two forms. The one in the header will not (and cannot) ‘talk’ to the one in the sidebar. Is that what the issue is?

    If not, can you describe what I need to do (by way of a search, to see what you mean)?


    I’ve simplified my approach and using only same search form id and search results in one page.

    I’m using this now.

    One thing that’s puzzling me is the “older post” link. The first time this page loads and click the link, it does not go to page 2. However once you click first the search button on the left side of the page, the link works. I’ve tried to disable the ajax on results, but seems to be also not working.


    From what I can see, there appears to be some JavaScript that is listening to links being clicked and is intercepting the call to go to another page. If you have any custom javascript, try disabling it. Similarly, deactivate all other plugins and test.

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