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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Pagination not working properly

Viewing 6 posts - 11 through 16 (of 16 total)
  • Alex Calinov
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    Alex Calinov
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    Ross Moderator

    Hmmm thats strange.

    I just wonder, in their code sample, is it returning early at the page check?

    I wasn’t aware of this, but I thought (at least using my code example) you don’t need to check for page, only paged – I thought page was only used when a post is broken over multiple pages, not for pagination from a full query?

    I might be missing something here.

    Is it worth us getting on a 3 way email to chat & resolve this? Its seems atm you are just posting our responses to eachother 😉


    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Alex Calinov
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Hey Alex

    Just to follow up on here.

    I looks like we managed to resolve the Beaver Builder issues and they will be supplying the fixes in an upcoming release 🙂

    Let me know when you’ve had a chance to digest everything and update here to let me know everything is indeed working ok.


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