Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Pagination not working


  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Anonymous


    Just bought the plugin. It’s 100% fits my needs, except it seems there is a bug and the pagination just not working. This is the website I’m working on:, latest WP and plugin version.


    It looks like the form is setup in Custom display results method, yes? With no filters selected, how many posts are there supposed to be. Without pagination, all I can see is the 9.

    Using the Custom method means that you are using the theme’s own template files. Your theme is nice enough to tell me that the template being used is advanced_search.php, yes?

    Does that have php in it to make the pagination?



    Thank you for your reply.
    If you run the test without any parameters, you should see 30 posts, with 9 posts per page. Like you mentioned, I chose the Custom method, using my own template. You can see the template, and all the other theme files, in my GitHub:


    What happens if you put more normal pagination in? If you look in the plugin/templates folder, you will find a results.php template, look at the pagination section at the bottom.



    I found the problem. My pagination uses the default wp_query instead of the custom $query I made. Problem fixed! Thanks 🙂

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