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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Pagination not working


Viewing 8 posts - 11 through 18 (of 18 total)
  • Art Munson

    It’s a post, not a page. doesn’t matter if it’s a page or post, results are still the same, no pagination.

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Art Munson

    Thanks Trevor. I guess I am misunderstanding the definition of pagination. On this page, at the bottom, there are tabs to different pages. That’s what I am looking for. I don’t think that having newer/older is very user friendly to customers looking through potential music to purchase. I tried using the plugin WP-Paginate which does give me what I’m looking for. Unfortunately it’s not working so there must be a plugin conflict somewhere. Back to square one!

    Trevor Moderator

    Ah, not so. Install WP PageNavi and that will give you other pagination options. Our plugin detects if PageNavi is being used and uses whatever you set there.

    Art Munson

    Thanks Trevor, will do that.

    Great support BWT!

    Art Munson

    Yep, that works and gives me navigation but is not return the display results I want. It’s showing Excerpt instead of Content. The Content Views plugin allows me to select Excerpt or Content. As here

    Is there a way to return Content instead of Excerpt?

    Trevor Moderator

    If you are using the Shortcode method, then did you follow the customisation guide?

    Once you have copied the results.php file over, you can edit it. Find the PHP code the_excerpt() and replace it with the_content(). You can change any of the HTML and CSS classes etc.

    Art Munson

    Once you have copied the results.php file over, you can edit it. Find the PHP code the_excerpt() and replace it with the_content()

    Duh, right! I forgot I had done that before.

    Thanks again!

Viewing 8 posts - 11 through 18 (of 18 total)

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