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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Pagination issue when going to page 2

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Colette Lane

    Hi Ross,

    I got a blank page when I have more than one page of filtered results:

    Not sure how this happened. Your help is appreciated:)

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Colette – this is the ajax url to get your results (its not blank actually, just no styling)

    Normally if it was working fine before and then stopped it means you have installed something which is breaking JS on your site. If JS is broken, then instead of fetching the results in the background via ajax, the form is submitting to the ajax url – which is not one the end user is supposed to see.

    Check your JS console for any errors 🙂

    Colette Lane

    Hi Ross,

    I don’t think it was working, I assumed it was. I tested by clicking to page 2 and this is what happened. I do not see any JS errors in Console. Do you?

    Colette Lane

    got it working i had a typo in Pagination selector ok ty:)

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