Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Pagination isn't working on my Search & Filter Pro implementation (page 2=page1)

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  • Trevor
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    Ok, will do.

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    OK. I can see why it is not working with Ajax. The PNG template doesn’t make the article a traditional hyperlink (<a .....>xxxx</a>) but instead adds data attributes to the article and attaches JavaScript to make it clickable through to the image post.

    When our Ajax runs, it does not refresh the JavaScript on the article. This would not be easy to resolve.


    OK, thanks, will leave it as it for now.
    Any idea of the time / budget required to fix it if I would absolutely need the feature?


    We are trying to get the V3 Pro Addon plugin finished right now, so resources to support the current version are based on urgent need (number users affected). V3 will be two plugins; a free core plugin and the Pro addon (both needed). The Pro version has an API that allows extensions.

    Up until now we have produced ad hoc support for themes and page builder plugins as the need arose. With V3 we will produce official support extensions, and I imagine that Elementor (plus Elementor anywhere and JetEngine.

    Timing I am not sure about. Custom work we do not do, sorry.


    OK, let’s then wait for a fix for Elementor. Cheers.


    OK. I will close this for now, and tag it for V3 development.

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