Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Pagination is not display


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  • Anonymous


    I am using your plugin and its work very good the only problem i have ia eith the pagination.
    at first i use the infinity scroll and it work perfect.
    After change the setting to normal the pagination is not display.
    I display the post using list grid of jet elements and the tag filter of S&F is working fine/
    i don’t understand why the pagination is not working.
    For now i work on the staging environment here is a Link to the page were the post is display


    We do not officially support the JetElements plugin, I am sorry. I know that pagination is an issue. Can you see if it works with Ajax OFF?


    Thank you for your replay.

    Unfortunately although when the Ajax OFF its not working.
    I do not understand is why the tag Filter is working with the jet plugin and the pagination is not working?
    Is there something else to do maybe coding?


    The filters will work, yes, just not the pagination. I have seen this before, and we have investigated it. It will require that we write an integration plugin for JetElements, and it is something we are considering, but it may be months away, sorry.


    OK, thank you so much for your reply.
    Have a nice day.


    Thanks for getting back to me. I will close this thread for now.

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