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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Pagination is missing and styling of loading animation

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  • Marcel Westerhoff

    Hi Ross,

    Thank you for all the effort you put into this. It’s highly appreciated! I really can’t help you at all with this.. This goes far beyond my skills. Is there a solution to this problem? What would you suggest?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Marcel

    Well the quick and easy (if it works) option would be to see if you can disable your themes loading animation (this is often just a setting in many themes, but you could contact their support if you don’t see it) – of course this is just one option so may not work.

    In the meantime / the next step, I guess, would be to try discover for sure why your site is not firing those events (in case it is not only your theme).

    It could be your theme or plugin that’s causing this, so I would do the following:

    1) Try with another theme – just to test if it is a theme issue
    2) Disable plugins 1 by 1, and retest, and see if the pagination comes up until you find (or not) the cause.

    Once we know where the issue lies then I can advise further – but it seems something is not right, because there are certain events that should be fired, but simply do not seem to be.


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