Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Pagination Error

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  • Anonymous

    The search works, but the pagination does not when I use my theme template. I know why it does not work, but as I am not much experienced with wordpress, have no idea on how to fix it. The problem is that the pagination is being added after the query string, and not before. So my link is like this: …/resultados-de-busca/?sort_order=comment_count+desc#038;_sft_category=sem-categoria&_sfm_bairro=0+/page/2/ , and should be /resultados-de-busca/page/2?sort_order=comment_count+desc#038;_sft_category=sem-categoria&_sfm_bairro=0+ (if I manually change the link to this last one, the results show right).
    I still don´t have it online, just local, but if you need I can set it online. I guess that´s the way my theme adds the pagination, but I will need some help to solve this ( I really wanted to use the pagination as it´s at the theme, so it gets all the same though the site).

    Thank you.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Cinthia

    I’m away at the moment so support is limited..

    It sounds like the issue is with how your pagination links aer being created – how are you creating these?



    I made some new templates and could fix it. Now I am having another issue that I will open a new ticket, thank you!

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