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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Pagination and Reset Don't Work After Upgrade

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  • Sheila Gilday

    I just upgraded from 1.4.3 to 2.0.1 this morning on a beta version of a website that I’m working on. After saving the form, creating a new form, and tinkering with the settings, I was able to get the new version of Search & Filter back in working order. However, I’m encountering 2 issues…

    1. Pagination isn’t working. I’ve tried using the built in pagination in the theme as well as creating pagination using WordPress’s paginate_links function. Using WordPress’s default search, pagination works perfectly. It also works when I first access the archive page which Search & Filter is set up on. But, as soon as I select a filter and the results are loaded, pagination stops working.

    2. Reset Filters is not working. I have a reset button set up on the form that worked previously. Clicking it would clear the search field and filters and reload the page to display all results. Now, the reset button just clears the search and filters. It doesn’t reload the page to display the unfiltered results. Likewise, unchecking a filter doesn’t reload the page to display unfiltered results.

    I’m using Search & Filter on an archive page for a custom post type and custom taxonomies.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Sheila

    Could you provide a link?


    Sheila Gilday
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    Ross Moderator

    If you do not use ajax it looks like you get accurate results.

    So the problem appears to be the results container cannot be found (the area where to load the actual results).

    Please see here for further info:


    Sheila Gilday

    I set up ajax per the above link but it was causing overflow issues with the theme. So, I’ve turned it off. But, in both cases, I was able to get the Reset Filter button to work properly.

    However, pagination is still not working. Both with ajax turned on and turned off. As I noted in my first post, pagination works correctly until I filter the results. When I filter the results and click on a page number, it just bumps me back to the top of the page without loading new results.

    Ross Moderator
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    Sheila Gilday
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Sheila Gilday
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    Ross Moderator
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