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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro pagination

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  • Rambus Admin


    How can I add a robots meta noindex on the pagination of this plugin?


    Trevor Moderator

    I do not know if this is possible. I will refer it to Ross, the developer of the plugin.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Rambus

    Our pagination is just the same as WP pagination – so this is likely a general WP question.

    What is your display method under display results tab?

    How would you make this change, using your themes pagination? If you can do this, then I should be able to direct you how to do this with S&F.


    Rambus Admin

    Hi Ross,

    The display method is Using a Shortcode.

    I’m not sure how to do this with my theme’s pagination, but I have installed Yoast and checked the box to noindex subpages of archives. Will this affect search and filter as well? Thanks!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Rambus, I think it should!

    We use the standard WP function paginate_links() to display our pagination, which I guess is what those other plugins would hook into to make those modifications – essentially, our pagination in this instance should be treated the same as regular pagination in your site.


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