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  • Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.

    I need to try on my website now because I have “”, I need to figure out the problem.

    For the masonry, doesn’t work with Repeater element, just need an Easy post element, I haven’t tried yet, maybe I check these days.

    I’ll let you know soon!

    thank you very much!

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Christian

    I was trying to take a peek at what we had created before but now realise the demo site is gone.

    Do you have this setup anywhere I can take a look at?

    Essentially I’m trying to recreate what we had, but having trouble integrating it with the “easy posts” module (I think that’s the default posts module) for another user.

    I’ve set it to use a custom query like: search_filter_id=123 but its just not taking (all this, without ajax enabled of course).

    If you have any info it would be appreciated!


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