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  • Anonymous

    so I was able to make Oxygen and Search&filter work together.
    I use a Repeater element in Oxygen (like post grid (for elementor) o easy post for Oxygen, with the custom query “search_filter_id=myid”, and work pretty well! Ajax posts update too!
    But I have two problems
    I can’t change dynamically the “select” content, (I try to enable auto count, etc. or add the second shortcode for filter next query, but doesn’t work), so if I select the first custom taxonomy, in the second dropdown I see all the taxonomy term, even if there is 0 count.
    The second problem I can’t output a “Not found post” message. Of course, if I can filter correctly my select, can be a no problem at all, or maybe I need to know how to access the PHP query results, so I can show the message with a condition like “found 0 post=show the message”.

    Let me know
    Thank you

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