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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Overwrite URL

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  • Rozhnov Vyacheslav

    Hello. Help me change the default URL to a more beautiful form.

    $current_url = add_query_arg($wp->query_string); // $current_url = ‘/?sfid=40221&_sft_brend=galassia’;

    if ( $current_url == ‘/?sfid=40221&_sft_brend=galassia’ )
    { // Further I do not know what to write.

    Trevor Moderator

    The query string must stay in the URL otherwise the filtering will not work. We are working on a major release, V3, which will allow pretty SEO friendly links, but that is some months away yet.

    Rozhnov Vyacheslav

    OK. I will wait for this update.

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