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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Override Query

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Mike Doble

    I see in the developer docs that there is a way to edit query arguments. Is there a way to OVERRIDE the existing query arguments coming from the form though? I currently have a post meta field I’m searching for but I’d like to change what field it looks for. The edit query stuff in the docs doesn’t seem to work.

    Trevor Moderator

    It should be possible to remove that field from the query and add another using the Edit Query Arguments filter. If I might ask, why do you not have that custom field in the form at the start?

    Trevor Moderator

    The reason it might not be working for you is that the post meta field you want to search is not on the form, and will therefore not be indexed in our cache. You would need to add that field to the form, even if you then hide it using CSS.

    Mike Doble

    Okay that’s what I was afraid of. I’m trying to search an ACF repeater field and I know the plugin doesn’t index it but I was hoping there was a hacky way to make it work. Is there no way to bypass the cache and do a fresh search?

    Trevor Moderator

    I do not think so.

    Fabian Aramendi

    Hi Trevor, I think I’m running the same issue as Mike. I’m trying to get ACF repeater Group Fields but I only can get ACF repeater Fields instead of a group. Do you know anyway to make the plugin works with ACF Repeaters?

    Thanks in advance.

    Trevor Moderator

    At this time, we do not support the more complex relationship fields in ACF, like the repeater fields. That particular field is unlikely to be support for searching, as it can, in theory, support and infinite nested sub levels of fields.

    For relationship fields (for example the Post Type Object) we support the fetching/searching of the Post ID and Title, but no other data.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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