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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Ordering results by other database tables

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  • Sam Webster

    Search and Filter Pro has been working great for most of my needs, but I’m having a hard time ordering search results for post types where the data is not stored in the post meta, but in a separate database table, most notably Event Espresso events. S&F Pro can search the events just fine, but always displays the results in reverse chronological order of post date. Is there any way to change the order the results are displayed in?

    Trevor Moderator

    At this time, only through custom coding by you (we cannot help with this at this time). Search & Filter only caches data from the standard tables. We would have to restructure Search & Filter so that it works as a core + extensions plugin, and then make plugins for special requirements. That is our goal for V3, which we are working on right now, but we have only a few extensions on our list as yet. I can add this to the feature request list (by moving this thread to that forum) if you wish?

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