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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Orderby Random not working

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  • Damon Tribble

    Here is the page I am working on:

    I have set the default order and secondary sort order for my search form to Random > Descending. I am using a shortcode to display the results via Ajax.

    You will notice that if you refresh the page the same three results will show every time. Similarly, if you choose an option from the dropdown, you will see the same three results every time you choose that option.

    My goal is for the results to be displayed randomly every time so that when you first visit the page and when you choose a filter option from the dropdowns, you will always get a different group of results.

    I have looked through the rest of my theme and I am not seeing any “pre_get_posts” actions which should be overriding the settings in my search form. I have also tried deactivating all plugins except search and filter pro and this does not fix the problem.

    One note: when I added the code mentioned in this thread to my functions.php file, the initial results displayed when I load the page did what I wanted and displayed randomly. However, when I chose any option from the dropdowns I continued seeing the same three people every time.

    I would appreciate any insights you might be able to offer on this.


    Trevor Moderator
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    Damon Tribble
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    Trevor Moderator

    Before I dig too deep, it may be your hosting that is a cause, so we need to rule that out.

    WP Engine truncates query strings. This post shows how to override that:

    Damon Tribble

    Ok. I’ll try it today…

    Damon Tribble

    I tried adding…

    define(‘WPE_GOVERNOR’, false);

    …to my wp-config.php but it doesn’t seem to have made any difference. The entries still do not appear in random order on this page:

    Can you take a look? Feel free to login and review the site…


    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Damon Tribble
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    Trevor Moderator
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