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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Order posts based on ACF post object field (either menu order or manual)

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  • Mitchel van Eijgen

    I need to have this specific order I want my posts to be displayed in and I don’t know how to achieve it.

    Posts order

    In the S&F settings > Posts > Choose meta key, I’ve selected my ACF post object field and both ASC and DESC are not correct. I want to either filter them based on the menu order (I use Intuitive Custom Post Order plugin to order them) or I need to somehow manually orden them like you can do within the S&F post meta filter. There I can select the manual filter and edit in the order I want myself, but I don’t see that feature over there.

    Post meta fitler

    Is there some setting I’m not seeing or is there an other way to achieve this?

    Trevor Moderator

    The second screenshot affects only the order in the Form field, and the first screenshot will likely order them by ID number.

    I do not know how it would be coded, but the only thing I can think of would be to use this filter:

    And use an orderby argument.

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