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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Optional Class Name


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  • Aaron Jansen

    Hey there,

    I’m using your plugin for an advanced search feature on my website and I’d like to be able to add a custom class name to the input I’m creating. I’d like to do this so I can use CSS to style each one differently based on the CSS class that gets applied. I know that a CSS class gets applied for the name of the input, but I’d like to be able to set my own in addition to it.

    Could you point in the right direction as to how I would modify this plugin to do this? And if it does already offer this feature could you tell me where I’d find it? Ideally I just want a box next to the input type selection that prompts me to add them.

    Trevor Moderator

    At this time, it is possible to add CSS identifiers (IDs and Classes) only to the term elements, and not the containing form elements. It is a feature we plan to add to the next major update (V3), which we are currently working on.

    To modify the input objects you would have to write your own code using the sf_input_object_pre filter.

    Most objects in the form do have their own CSS class that you can target with Custom CSS. You can use the browser inspector to find these.

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