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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Only show Parents in Hierarchal Taxonomy – Multi Select Box

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  • Sarah Hellems

    Hi, I have a taxonomy that I’m searching by that uses a multi-select box, but I’m hoping to only show the top level categories in the multi-select box rather than listing them all. Can that be done?

    Also, I have 2 taxonomies that I’m searching by, and when I use both in the search form (I’m using the Shop page for results), it puts me in the archive for one of the taxonomies but uses they URL modifier for the other one.

    For instance, the search result URL may be /system_category/allergens-pathogens-toxins/?_sft_producttype=homeopathic-remedies. I’d rather it be something like /shop/?sft_system_category=allergens-pathogens-toxins?_sft_producttype=homeopathic-remedies because my theme handles taxonomy archives differently than it does the shop page. Is that possible?

    Trevor Moderator

    The question about the URL modifier is not possible. You either stay on the shop page and have the two parts of the query, or it goes in to one of the category/taxonomy pages and has one query part.

    as to the first question, you might be able to do this using our Input Object filter. This would allow you to remove the child terms, but you would need to write the code for that, using the code snippets linked to, or a search on our forum for other snippets that users may have posted:

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