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  • Anonymous
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    Ross Moderator
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    Hi Ross
    as far as i know i’m not using any special/not ordinary elementor widget

    about the slick.min.js ..I wish i could verify this with someone at elementor team but right now i can only guess
    and my guess is slick.min.js has something to do with elementor slider
    so may be the reason you are not seeing this console error in your local installation is because you didn’t put any slider in the same page with the search from and results

    again.. I’m just guessing may be i’m totally wrong and it has nothing to do with it

    any way ..whats our next step?
    isn’t there a way to makeelementorFrontend.init(); to apply/target only the post grid (and that way, if my guessing is right about the slider, it will help us avoid the error)?

    since i purchased elementor pro i can try reach out to elementor support
    they might wont agree help fixing other plugins related problems but they might do agree on answering some technical questions you want me to ask them something?

    Ross Moderator
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    Ross Moderator
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    Hi Ross
    yessss! you did it man!
    now it’s working perfectly

    thank you so much for all the effort and the patience 🙂

Viewing 7 posts - 31 through 37 (of 37 total)