Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro only first page pagination not clickable (other pages work o.k)

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  • Anonymous
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    any news from Ross?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Doron

    It sounds like the pagination thinks the current page is 1 even after clicking other numbers (the current page should not be clickable which is why 1 is not clickable).

    Can you ensure the following before I investigate from my end:

    1) Update WP, plugins, themes and of course S&F
    2) Disable all unnecessary plugins to see if something is interfering (ie, leave just Elementor, S&F, and whatever plugins you may need to create custom post types, taxonomies, custom fields etc)
    3) Test on a default WP theme (with Elementor of course)

    If the issue still persists then I’ll try to recreate locally, that being said though, I’m not having any issues in my current dev environment.



    Hi Ross

    1) WP and all the plugins are up to date

    2) Done, I’ve left only Elementor, Elementor Pro, S&F, and Relevanssi on and disabled all other plugins than refreshed the home page several times and went to the second page of the results but the problem didn’t go away
    page one of the results is still not clickable – just like you said (and I can see it when looking in Chrome inspector) – the pagination thinks the current page is 1 even when you moved on the other pages

    3) I’m already using Twenty Seventeen as my theme so no need to switch to default WP theme

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Doron – thanks for that, I’ll be back on this today investigating and update when I know more.


    any news?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Doron

    It seems something has changed in Elementor.

    I’ve contacted the the people over there and I’m waiting to hear back, in the meantime I’m trying to work around it and figure out a code snippet to provide you.

    I’m hoping tonight / tomorrow for a temporary fix.


    Ross Moderator
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