Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro only first page pagination not clickable (other pages work o.k)

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  • Anonymous

    my S&F pro search from is configured to display 9 results in each page
    now, if someone searches something and there are, for example, 3 pages of results
    the pagination will obliviously kick in and display 1, 2, 3 at the bottom

    the problem will start when someone clicks page 2 or 3 (or 4 and so on..)
    they will get to the right page (according to the number they have clicked)
    BUT if they will try to click on number 1 (in order to return to the first page of the results) they will find out it’s not clickable
    all the other pagination’s page numbers remain clickable (as they should) it’s only the number 1 which isn’t

    i’m not sure why it’s happening and how to fix it
    i’m using the elemenotr page builder and i set up results, ajax, and pagination according to your documentary for elementor – every thing seems to work fine beside this bit
    can you help me?

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    an other problem is that even when there are less than 9 results (e.g all the results are in only one page) the pagination numbers are still there as if there are more results in other pages..



    I was looking at the site just now, and suddenly it now requires a login? From what I saw before this happened, the Ajax Container did not match the one suggested in our documentation here:


    Hi Trevor
    sorry for the late replay
    I’ve fixed the issue and now the site is open for everyone to view, even if you are not logged in
    I’ve also changed the Pagination Selector to ‘.elementor-pagination a’ but those problems still pressist
    can you help me?
    whats the next step?

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    This reply has been marked as private.

    Is this the only use of the Posts widget on the page?


    yes, it’s definitely the only Posts widget on that page

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