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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro One Search Form For Many BuddyPress Groups

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  • Mike Doble

    I have a weird scenario. I have a search form in multiple BuddyPress groups. I want to search for post meta. I want that post meta ifo to be dependent on whichever BuddyPress group I’m in. Is there a way using the shortcode or with a filter to search for that specific post meta?

    Trevor Moderator

    Which Display Results method are you using? Maybe As an Archive? If so, then you might need the next version of the plugin. The current version is 2.3.0.

    We should we pushing this new version out tonight or this weekend.

    Mike Doble

    I’m using the custom layout and integrating it with an existing WP_Query.

    Trevor Moderator

    Ah, that will be harder then. I am not sure how you would go about that, as the custom method has a fixed results url, doesn’t it?

    Trevor Moderator

    Do you have auto detect the category/taxonomy enabled AND have the category/taxonomy in the form (even if it is hidden)? It may work that way as the form would auto fill the field, assuming that you are on an archives page that is.

    Mike Doble

    I have the form on a custom BuddyPress group page and the form is searching for posts with a specific custom field. The custom field is a number and it is the same as the ID of the current BuddyPress group. Basically, I’m trying to search for posts that are attached to the current BuddyPress group I’m in.

    Mike Doble

    And I’m trying to do this for each group without having to make a form for every group.

    Trevor Moderator

    mmm. OK. are you creating wordpress pages and then using a shortcode or similar to place a given group on a given page? Do you have a custom field on the pages to hold the ID of the group?

    What I am thinking is that you could have a hidden field in the form which is the group (or group ID).

    Then, in the child theme functions.php you can have some custom PHP that checks if a page is being loaded, and if it is, to find the value held in the custom field that holds the group ID, and if it does have a group ID, to then use our sf_edit_query_args filter to modify the group ID field in the form to be that of the custom field on that page.

    The only problem that I can see is that S&F forms require a results url, which would be different for each page. I cannot see how you would get around this.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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