Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro One form two results in the same page!

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  • Anonymous

    Hi, I’m trying to do a results page where I display 5 results from each of 2 different Custom Post Types.

    Basically what I want to do is:


    5 Apples

    5 Oranges

    I know I could do a form that search in both custom post type but this way if there are 10 apples among the results, I’d only display 10 apples and no oranges in page 0.

    I created 2 identical search forms and added in the page the shortcode for the first form and then the result shortcode for both of them.

    However it works when I open the page but when a search is performed, only one of the two results set is refreshed.

    Is there a way to find a workaround?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Massimo

    Its possible – but there is a bug in the latest version.

    I’ve just emailed you a fix.

    What you’ll need to do is disable the option in both search form “bookmarkable URLs”.

    Then follow the instructions here RE pagination:



    Awesome Ross, thanks!

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