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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro On Ajax Content Loaded Call Javascript

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • François Dejardin

    Hi !

    First thanks a lot for Search & Filter Pro , great stuff !


    just a little request,
    I’ve setup a search result page with ajax call to refresh the result.
    All seems to work, but in my theme the different posts are displayed with a fadein effect on load.. and it seems the call to the javascript that starts the effect isn’t triggered.

    Is there a way to call this javascript on results refresh ?

    thanks a lot !!


    François Dejardin


    I think i’ve figured it out.

    Finally it wasn’t javascript but css which make items appear, so i’ve just overwrited the classes css code and delete the effect…

    Maybe there is other solution, but this one work…

    cheers 😉

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Francois

    Please see the first question here:

    There is JS event you can hook into to perform any necessary actions when results are loaded in via ajax 🙂


    François Dejardin

    Wooow !

    Very nice @Ross , i didn’t notice this … even if it’s a CSS issue, i will need it in my project !

    thanks a lot for support !

    cheers 😉

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