Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Odd ajax behavior

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  • Anonymous

    Hi Ross,

    Excited for 2.0 to be coming out soon! I’m having an odd Ajax behavior that I’m wondering if you could help me troubleshoot. On this site:

    I have a contact form set to show if there is a zero result. If you type in a nonsense string (ex. “asdfasdasd”) into the search bar, however, it doesn’t load the contact form all the way and leaves it grayed out. The odd thing is that if you choose a taxonomy in the dropdown and then type in nonsense in the search bar, it will load the contact form all the way. Same goes for if you type a real search term like ‘dell’ and then delete it and then type in nonsense. Any ideas? Hope you get a chance to take a look before your leave, thanks!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey there – I’m afraid I didn’t get a chance – juggling too many things before I left.

    There has been a considerable JS rewrite in 2.0 – so I think its probably just best to try with this and see if the problem has been resolved.



    Hi Ross, been waiting a bit for the 2.0 update to try and fix this. Is it going to release soon or if not could you take a look at what could be causing this for me? Thnks!

    Ross Moderator

    I’m jsut writing the docs up for 2.0 at the moment but I see your problem.

    If you go straight to here:,business-development&_sft_industry=consumer-goods

    You will see the contact form is loaded.

    As soon as you submit the form, the contact form dissapears.

    This is because you contact form is loaded via ajax, and the scripts for your contact form are not loaded – you can either disable ajax, or check the first question on this page of where to initialise your JS for your contact form:


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