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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Number Range not working as I would expect

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  • dann hanks

    HI Trevor.

    I have just tried this and I have 3 posts with ACF number values of ‘4’, ‘8’ and ’12’

    If I try any of the options with ‘Use Same Key’ unchecked, I get no results at all. I just get the url:

    As all the ‘number’ options in S&F are ‘between this and this’ and don’t seem to be working, I think my best option is what I have suggested above.

    I am asking users ‘how many guests are there?’ so a number range isn’t really suitable.

    Is there no way to achieve what I have suggested above?

    … replacing ‘ & ‘ with ‘ %26 ‘ and replacing ‘ = ‘ with ‘ %3D ‘


    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    dann hanks
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Great to speak with you again Dann. I hope that shows a method where you can achieve what you want, using a range where have a new (dummy) from field always set to 1 in the data (Using ACF default value) and use javascript to set the field to 1 when the page opens, and hide the from field from the end user.

    dann hanks

    Thanks for the Skype Trevor, I will be trying this out tomorrow and will let you now how I get on.

    : )

    dann hanks

    Hi Trevor – this worked a treat.

    thanks so much once again!

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