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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Number field with 'Load results using Ajax' – how to wait for input to finish


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  • Ashley Best

    I have a number input field as part of a search form (as a workaround to not being able to customise the dropdown to how I needed it), now I’m finding in some situations the ajax call happens before the user has finished typing, which is not great UX.

    Is it possible to have the ajax call wait until typing has finished in a particular input or after a specified duration?



    Trevor Moderator

    You would need to switch Auto Submit OFF and add a submit button to the form.

    Ashley Best

    Unfortunately I need to keep auto submit on in this instance.

    Is there no method to pause the ajax call?

    Trevor Moderator

    This is embedded within our JavaScript file, so that is not practical to do. It is, I believe, a feature request already for V3 (I have not ETA for that, sorry).

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