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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro number based searching

Viewing 4 posts - 11 through 14 (of 14 total)
  • dann hanks

    appologies, my bad, please try again with the same details

    Trevor Moderator

    You have four search forms, which one should I look at, and on what page (URL/link) is the search form on?

    dann hanks

    Hi, the ‘Property Search’ is the search form to have a look at, its the one from the main box on the home page.

    Trevor Moderator


    For bedrooms to work the way we have discussed, the control needs to be multi-select. It can be:

    Checkbox (with Search Operator ‘OR’)
    Multiselect (with Search Operator ‘OR’)
    Multiselect + Combobox (with Search Operator ‘OR’)

    It cannot be Dropdown, as you have it, as it cannot process 2 and 3 and 4 etc.

    If you are using Dropdown or Multiselect, I find it looks better (and works better on phones) if you have ‘Combobox’ also selected.

Viewing 4 posts - 11 through 14 (of 14 total)

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