Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Not working on taxonomy archive

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  • Anonymous


    We’re trying to get Search & Filter up and running on taxonomy archives, specifically archives for child terms. So far we’re getting totally no results, or with other settings the filters just don’t influence the results, a weird detail is that the counter in the menu’s does change!

    I wanted to share some screenshots of the current settings, but I don’t see any possibilities for that on this support forum. So I’ve uploaded a zip here:

    The form can be seen in action over here (filters are on the right side):

    The support documents are pretty thin on this subject, so I’m a bit stuck at this moment. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    To test whether it works or not, in the first instance can you set it up using the Shortcode Display Results method, as shown here:

    And switch off ajax and test. If that works, then we need to consider how to integrate the form to your theme templates.


    Hi Trevor,

    Switching to using the shortcode for results helped me greatly, it’s also working with Ajax. Is this the way to go when showing results on a taxonomy archive?

    I’ve created a custom template for showing the results and this works good as well. The only problem I’ve got is that the template file needs to be called ‘results.php’ or ‘166.php’ (the ID of the form). It doesn’t seem to be possible to use the slug of the form for the template name, am I right about that? This gives me problems since the ID’s are different locally and on the server.

    Also, I want to use the same form for all taxonomy archive pages (would be better not to need to create a form per term), but in that case I’ve got a problem with the ‘Results URL’ for the shortcode display. What do I need to insert there in this case? For now I’ve just disabled the ‘make searches bookmarkable option’.


    That issue is one I too have faced, but at the moment, there is no resolution. The theme I use has built in support for Search & Filter pro, so instead of the Shortcode method it uses the Custom method. At least you can use one template that way, but you would still need specific results URLs, and still have the issue of using post ID’s for the form results.


    Weird. Of course I’m not up to speed with the code of Search and Filter, but I’d say that the current url of the page should just be used for the ‘Results URL’. But I guess there’s a problem with that approach.


    That is a feature that is in the development queue, probably it will appear in V3, due in 2018.

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