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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Not working on page load


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  • James Piper

    Hello Team,

    No matter where I search, I can’t find a way to make the plugin run on page load.

    Once I start clicking around, the ajax filtering works fine, but I need it to work on the first page load too.

    We are using the code below to remove one of the options and to set the default active item. This all works fine.

    // Remove “All Courses” option and set main to default on Our Menu.
    add_filter( ‘sf_input_object_pre’, function ( $input_object, $sfid ) {
    if ( $sfid == 120 ) {
    // var_dump($input_object);
    if ( ( $input_object[‘name’] = ‘_sft_course’ ) ) {
    if ( empty( $input_object[‘defaults’][0] ) ) {
    $input_object[‘defaults’] = [ ‘main’ ];
    $key = array_search( ‘All Courses’, array_column( $input_object[‘options’], ‘label’ ) );
    if ( $key !== false ) {
    unset( $input_object[‘options’][ $key ] );
    $input_object[‘options’] = array_values( $input_object[‘options’] );

    return $input_object;
    }, 10, 2 );

    Can you please tell me how to instruct the plugin to run in the fresh page load?
    I can’t find the answer anywhere in the docs or internet.

    Thank you very much,

    Trevor Moderator
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    James Piper
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    Trevor Moderator
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    James Piper
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    James Piper
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    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    James Piper
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    James Piper
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