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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Not returning specific posts in search.

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  • Art Munson

    I have had Search & Filter Pro for a while now it and works very well. I’m stumped by this problem though.

    I recently added a series of new posts (basically music tracks I sell), via csv import, and a number of those posts are not showing up in the search. I’m using Relevansi and rebuilt the cache a couple of times. I also purged my host’s cache, put Cloudflare in Development mode and still no go.

    As an example if you search for “Tex-Mex Fiesta” (no quotes) it will not return any results even though I can search in the Posts admin page and find it. Web site is

    Any ideas?

    Thanks for your help.


    Art Munson

    BTW, also tried in a “Private” window. Still no go.

    Trevor Moderator

    What puzzles me that, this is so even after you rebuild the Search & Filter cache? Is that the cache you rebuilt? a CSV import will not normally inform Search & Filter its has been done, which is the problem. If you use something like WP ALL Import, that has a small piece of code, together with one of our actions, that will inform Search and Filter. As detailed in this post:

    Art Munson

    Hi Trevor,

    Yes, I rebuilt the Search & Filter cache. Yes, I do use WP ALL Import, the latest version.

    It’s odd that out of 4459 posts that were update/added that only a few seem to not be recognized. I can add that piece of code to functions.php. I imagine I will need to rebuild the Search & Filter cache again?

    The other thing is, I wonder why my search form, under the General Tab-> “Search in the following post types:” I have two other boxes labeled “posts”. There are actually 3 boxes labeled “posts”. Checking all three did not fix it though.

    I will try the code you suggested and see if that fixes it.



    Trevor Moderator

    There may also be something in your setup that is causing it also. Do you have any Includes or Excludes set up in the Categories, Tags and Taxonomies tab?

    Art Munson

    Yes, I have Includes for Categories but the missing posts would be part of those Categories.

    Art Munson

    Oh, I take that back. I was just looking at the spreadsheet and I think some Categories may be missing in the includes. Duh! Will check and let you know.

    Trevor Moderator

    Ahh. I had a suspicion. If you have more than one row of Includes, a post has to satisfy EVERY row before it will appear.

    Art Munson

    Looks like that may be it. Rebuilding cache now and will confirm when done. Thanks for making my brain work! 🙂

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