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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Not Filtering Categories

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  • Derrick

    Great plugin, I just purchased the PRO and am able to filter my ACF data easily.

    The problem I am having is with filtering the Categories, I have a custom post type registered and I can add categories. But it seems like the posts are not being filtered within these categories. For example my URL http://localhost:8888/blackhorse/category/lamborghini/ is a category under the post_type “Inventory” displays all posts even if they are not in the “lamborghini” category.

    Thanks for any help you may be able to offer.


    Ok after further investigation Ive figured some things out that were wrong on my end. 1st my custom Taxonomy was not registering via functions file. It now is. So when I go to the category page they are filtering correctly.

    However my search does not filter properly, I have 2 parameters Taxonomy, and price. When I search a taxonomy and price its as if its not searching through the Taxonomy, take a look at the url http://localhost:8888/blackhorse/?_sfm_price=0+1000000&sfid=104

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Also the AJAX does not seem to be working at all either, which is not a big deal do not need that feature.

    Ross Moderator

    Marking this as resolved as per you note on the other topic 🙂


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